Look Who’s Talking – Is My Toddler Saying a Real Word or Just Babbling?

Hearing a child say their first words is such an exciting milestone for a parent. The moment gets commemorated in the baby book and is remembered forever. Ask any parent, and they will be able to tell you what their child’s first word was. However, sometimes it can be difficult to determine if a child is saying a real word or if they are just babbling. While there aren’t any hard and fast rules to figure this out, there are a few things we can look for in order to decide if it “counts” as a real word. 

Before we get into those clues, let’s take a quick look at what counts as a word. In addition to actual words, the following things also count as words in a child’s vocabulary: 

  • Approximations: this is when a child says the same thing consistently but it might not sound exactly like the intended word. For example “baba” instead of “bottle” or “da” instead of “dad.”
  • Environmental sounds: things like animal noises and car sounds count as words! 
  • Exclamatory words: exclamations such as “uhoh” “oopsy” and “wow” are considered words. 
  • Sign Language: Signs that are done consistently such as “more” or “all done” count towards a child’s total word count. 

Now, here are those tips to help figure out if your child is saying a real word or just making sounds. 

  1. Does the child say it INTENTIONALLY? 

We want to know if the child is saying the word with a purpose. A child looking at mom and saying “ma!” is more likely saying a real word as opposed to a child who is playing with blocks and saying “ma ma ma” quietly to themself. 

  1. Does the child say the word INDEPENDENTLY? 

If you have to coax and prod and bribe your child in order to get them to repeat the word after you, we probably wouldn’t count it as a word in their vocabulary. If the child says the word independently without any prompting from you, it is more likely a real word. 

  1. Does the child say the word CONSISTENTLY? 

You can be fairly confident that the child is really saying the word if they say it multiple times in multiple contexts. If you hear your child say “ma” when they see mom in the morning, then “ma” when they see a picture of mom on the wall, and then “ma” again when they hear mom’s voice over the phone, then you can be pretty certain that your child’s first word was mom!

Just for fun, here is a list of the 25 most common words spoken by toddlers. Was  your child’s first word one of these??

  1. Mommy 
  2. Daddy
  3. Baby 
  4. Mild 
  5. Juice
  6. Hello
  7. Bye bye
  8. Yes
  9. No
  10. Dog
  11. Cat
  12. Ball
  13. Nose
  14. Eye
  15. Banana
  16. Cookie
  17. Car
  18. Hot
  19. Thank you
  20. Bath 
  21. Shoe
  22. Hat
  23. Book
  24. More
  25. All gone

If you are at the point where you are concerned whether your child is using enough words for his or her age.  Start a note in your phone to keep track of the words you hear your child say. This is not only great information for you but also great information for healthcare providers and caregivers such as teachers, your pediatrician and therapists.

2023-04-25T19:20:38-04:00 By |Speech/Language Therapy|

About the Author:

Adrienne Fuller M.S., CCC-SLP is the clinical director and Owner of SpeechBuilders Speech/Language and OccupationalTherapy in Apopka, Florida. She earned her Master’s Degree at the University of New Hampshire. She is passionate about making all children from all backgrounds ready for kindergarten. She is also the co-writer of the book "Putting Your Dreams To Work-Keys to Setting Up Your Therapy Practice" and " Start Your Engines: A Roadmap for Your Clinical Fellowship." Her most recent book titled, "30 Days to Get Your Toddler Talking" is a step by step guide for parents and caregivers of toddlers who are not yet talking or talking very little.

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