Using Your Five Senses to Find the Right School for Your Preschooler

There are many things to consider when you are looking for a preschool/VPK program
for your child. This can be especially difficult when your child has communication
difficulties or deficits. Many parents feel in our clinic that they want their child to talk
before they send their child to school. I certainly understand why, as a parent, you might
feel this way. If something happens then you want your child to be able to tell you what
happened. But what many parents do not often realize is that if child has
communication difficulties, then school is probably the one of the best places for your
child. School is a place where your child is exposed to language all day long! In my
opinion the benefits can far outweigh the risks. When choosing a school for your child
to attend, there are a few things to consider. But in this case, it is best to use your five

  1. Look: Look around, does the school look clean? Are operating licenses
    displayed? Do the children look happy? Are their needs being met (noses
    wiped, faces clean)?
  2. Listen: Do you hear teachers yelling? On the opposite end are the children too
  3. Smell: Does the area/school smell good? Be sure to check the areas where your
    child will use the bathroom and where food is prepared.
  4. Touch: Look and touch hard surfaces-do they feel clean? Also how do the
    teachers relate to the children in their care? Do they use touch? Do they hug?
    Do they yank?
  5. Feel: I know touch and feel are kind of the same thing-but you probably won’t be
    able to use taste. How do you feel? What does your gut say? I know this goes
    without saying but if you get a bad feeling about your child being at a school then

Making a choice about which preschool to leave your child is a big one. Use all of
your senses to find a great fit for your child. SpeechBuilders is able to see children in
their preschools around the central Florida area. Give us a call to see if we go to
your child’s school.

About the Author:

Adrienne Fuller M.S., CCC-SLP is the clinical director and Owner of SpeechBuilders Speech/Language and OccupationalTherapy in Apopka, Florida. She earned her Master’s Degree at the University of New Hampshire. She is passionate about making all children from all backgrounds ready for kindergarten. She is also the co-writer of the book "Putting Your Dreams To Work-Keys to Setting Up Your Therapy Practice" and " Start Your Engines: A Roadmap for Your Clinical Fellowship." Her most recent book titled, "30 Days to Get Your Toddler Talking" is a step by step guide for parents and caregivers of toddlers who are not yet talking or talking very little.

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